The Crying of Potential Estate January 24th 2008. Appropriating Art Gallery Koraalberg. Cabinet Wally Hope.
Cabinet Wally Hope / Potential Estate
Potential Estate is a collaborative practice with an experimental approach on the issue of residency. As a temporary collective it operates along models of self-organization and participation. It applies forms of open production, oppositional practices and alternative economies. These themes and their intersections are highlighted in the different ways of presenting the outcome of its activities, mainly multiple cabinets and a website,… A future ‘residential’ is the key issue around which Potential Estate is conceived. This will take place in summer 2008. After an exploratory mission, Belgium, a small suburban entity in Wisconsin, U.S. – founded by their Belgian and Luxemburg ancestors – was identified as a possible ‘residential’ site.
From January 24th till March 8th Potential Estate will appropriate Koraalberg Art Gallery in Antwerp, generating an event-based program with weekly highlights, most of which are public. Focus of these events will be the economy of the project. Potential Estate fictionalizes its ambition to become viable and self-sustaining. But apart from a fund-raiser, The Crying of Potential Estate! will be a lively event questioning the value of media based practices and speculating on multiple authorship issues.
The Crying of Potential Estate!, first of this series of events, takes place on the Nocturne of Thursday January 24th 2008. Doors open at 6pm, The Crying starts at 7pm.
Cabinet Wally Hope / Potential Estate is David Evrard (BE), Ronny Heiremans (BE), Pierre Huyghebaert (BE), Adam Leech (US), Vincent Meessen (BE/US), Katleen Vermeir (BE) and invited guests!
A website ( presents and updates the project. Also check for weekly updates.